It’s weird to look back on 2018, I remember taking so many of these photographs. It wasn’t my first time in New York but it was the first time I went really thinking about taking pictures.

I was a little gear crazy back then, and still am, but I was definitely still discovering what type of photos I wanted to take and what cameras to use. So on this trip I ended up using 4 different cameras: my old Canonet Ql17 giii, the Polaroid One Step 2, my Mamiya Rb67 that I still use to this day and a Horizon Kompakt that I bought during the trip.

Looking back I can see how careless I was with my film, the developing and the scanning. I think Ive definitely become a better photographer but also much more cautious within my process. Even back then I knew this was the medium I wanted to be working with, so looking back, I’m happy to see how far I’ve come since I started taking photos.

I was actually taking a black and white class at the time just so I could use the university’s chemicals to develop and print my own film. I remembered getting back from the trip and getting an A even tho I had missed a full week of class. Needless to say I felt very good about myself. New York had been a source of great inspiration.
